downloadThis week our blog prompt asked us to look at pedagogical differences of various types of media. Like many other classmates, I will be looking back on my experiences as a student. I have always been challenged by reading text.  As a child I struggled learning to read, my mom even hired a reading tutor to alleviate my frustrations. Stephanie mentioned that in her undergrad she began to enjoy reading, for me the opposite I struggle reading chapters, my eyes get heavy and it all turns into a blur and I want to fall asleep.  I even experimented with Kurzwell, having it read to me, but the voices were too boring and I had a hard time following what was being said.


Roxanne’s post, made me think back to my use of technology in my schooling experience, I recall having Mac computers in elementary school but we rarely used them.  I did manage to figure out how to use the Printshop program to make cards, banners and certificate.  In high school, I took a typing class but we used a typewriter and created cartoon pictures by following written directions of letters and spacing. Although I do recall, my English teacher had us go on the computer and practice typing with these boxes over our hands so we would learn where the keys were, I remember her saying hands on home row.  I did sign up for a Practical Applied Arts in grade 11 and 12; I managed to do all right in the computer class rotation.  We had small assignments such as internet scavenger hunts and sending emails.  I still use my Hotmail account that I created in that class, and lucky for me it was not dorky like my younger cousin had to change his as his first email account was  Teachers really did not incorporate much media into their classes maybe a video or a film on the old projector.

After reading the section 7.4 in the  Bates text I realize that video is a much richer medium than either text or audio. Video can be used as presentational material.  I have always been a visual learner and hands on learner, learning through pictures, demos, videos, and doing an activity.  When a teacher can not provide a learning experience for the class that’s when media comes into play. One thing that really stuck out to me is how Bates notes that video can substitute for a field visit, by:

  • providing students with an accurate, comprehensive visual picture , in order to place the topic under study in context;
  • demonstrating the relationship between different elements of a system under study
  • through the use of models, animations or simulations, to teach certain advanced scientific or technological concepts

I automatically thought of how Ms. Frizzle takes the students on an adventure but we the audience learn through media exposure to the video.

I believe that Roxanne makes a valid point that teachers need to be incorporating more technology and media into the classrooms, there is never enough. By allowing use of media and technology in the classroom it gets students ready for the real world and come to understand and explore the internet in a safe guided manner. Like Roxanne and Loraine I use Kahoot for changing up quizzes and assessment, Kahoot allows me to check for understanding while talking through correct answers.  The students even asked “can you make a Kahoot” or even to create their own.

As an adult learner in an online class, I am finding that technology is allowing me to connect and create with others who are not even near me. I enjoy everything that Alec and Katia share, I am also forever learning from my peers in the Google+ community.

Well friends please let me know which media type you learn best from! Even better share an media learning experience.


9 thoughts on “Extra, extra, read all about it…… or just watch the video!

  1. Thanks for your post this week. I was just thinking about video, and how as a visual learner – I am so happy to be able to watch You Tube videos – anything from how to change an air filter in my car – to how to make gnocchi – to how to use a certain brush stroke when painting trees. I am grateful to be able to learn from video as that seems to be me medium of preference.


  2. Awesome post! It’s so important to remember that everyone likes different modalities. I personally love reading, but I also enjoy learning from video tutorials, like Angela. My dishwasher would never have been fixed without youtube.
    I wished so hard that I had a teacher like Ms Frizzle when I was younger. I wanted those field trips! They looked so cool!


  3. I find that I learn from all forms of media, provided they are done well! I can’t put a great book down, but a boring one isn’t going to hold my attention. Captivating audio? Heck yes! Video’s the same…if it’s done well, all forms can be effective!


  4. Thanks for the post, Chalyn! I love your comparison with the magic school bus – I have never thought of it like that, but it is so true! Video can be much more engaging than just audio because it is a much richer resource. Thanks so much for sharing!


    1. DeVore had the moxy—and integrity—to resign as Whip when the rest of the &qqno;Republicats&uuot; caved on spending money they didn't have. And he called it right. I want to pay teachers, etc., too, but how can you do it with money that doesn't exist? If he is "fringe," it's because we there are so few legislators like him; we could use more.


  5. Love the Magic School Bus example. I totally agree that when done well, video is amazing- especially if you are teaching or learning how to do something. Many people just need the visual, and sometimes a diagram just doesn’t cut it. It is great for time management as well, It might take a couple hours of reading to get through what can be done in a video demonstration in 10 minutes. So good for abstract concepts. I also find video is great when you or your students don’t have a lot of background knowledge- a picture is worth a thousand words. Things like current events I find are so much more powerful in a video- even a 20 second clip of refugees and war torn countries because it is so beyond what we can imagine. My beef is that sometimes it takes a long time to find a video that is truly the content I want, and not simply fluff- regardless of how engaging it might be.


  6. Thanks for this post, Chalyn! It’s always so crazy to think how much tech in classrooms has changed in such a short time, while some teaching practices have endured for centuries. I forgot about Print Shop! I agree with your point that video can be a substitute for a field trip, as we can all learn from what is presented visually. Great post!


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